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July 9, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Indoors, thundering outside, then cloudy and 75

I went to a sparsely attended St. Alban's, probably because people had been watching the World Cup semifinal, the first half of which I saw, recorded the rest, but could not see the penalty shootout. I was soon informed that there was no possibility of going outside due to STA policy. So I joined Eihrenhaft the elder, the younger, Trevor and Mickey in the building adjacent to the gym where we had done our warmup for three five minute sets of stairs. We began one step at a time, and then opened up for the subsequent sets at which point the group was strung out, me leading. Quality was high and I felt great; after the first set we did 15 supermen, then 25 second planks after the second (including one-armed and one-legged planks). We cooled down in the gym, stretched, then--with the weather clear--I asked Simonson if he wanted to add more and he invited Boardman, who had opted not to do the stairs due to a hamstring pain. We took Wisconsin to Van Ness and ran through several alleys taking us to the back way area and porter. When I got home I did 2:15 planks, 20 leg lifts and 2 minute flutter kicks.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.96 Miles 43:22
0.5 Miles 4:00 8:00 / Mile Warmup  
2.0 Miles 15:17 7:38 / Mile Hills  
0.26 Miles 2:00 7:41 / Mile Recovery  
3.2 Miles 22:05 6:54 / Mile Training