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July 11, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Mid 80s

I went to STA where I found Boardman and MI, whom I joined in the 40 minute category of a dog-on-leash hunt. That nagging shin from late April and early May returned before and after the run. It was a rather hard day especially with the difficult climb of Garfield at the end, but neither Matt nor I was about to ask Boardman to relent, so it remained a high quality day. During the middle 20 minutes, I concentrated on form and started to feel better. Beforehand three sets of eighty dead bugs, for which I have more respect since I started doing them correctly and two sets of the pushup progression with three of everything. Matt and I did six striders. Distance from MI's watch.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.28 Miles 45:33
0.5 Miles 4:00 8:00 / Mile Warmup  
5.78 Miles 41:33 7:11 / Mile Training