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Maiden TH to Fuji + the course to PCT + Maiden Peak and back to Gold Lk Rd

July 25, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80 -> 60s or so

Busy but good day at work - including working late - then I got home, packed up, and hit the road by 1ish.

The idea today was to do some race-pace, Krar-ish work on the course today: a race-effort run up Fuji, then "recover" between there and Maiden, then "balls deep" on Maiden.

Felt...GREAT today. I was a little apprehensive, because I've put in a lot of hard work the past few weeks and was tired and stiff this week. Felt stiff down to Gold Lake AS, then took quite a while to warm-up on the initial Fuji climb.

But as I inched my way toward Fuji - which included a bit of hiking - I was astounded to find how LOW my HR was: lik1 140s to 150, even climbing, at altitude! Awesome! I think a TON of it has to do with my POSTURE! When I'm *tall* I can inflate the lungs SOO much better, and that was a big focus. I even wore the JET PACK today, and it actually helped remind me to be tall!

Hiked a great deal to the Fuji AS and was shocked to see under 54 (I split 57 on race day last year!), going so easy. Kept it easy on the way up to Fuji, where I ran into Andrew Miller's mom and younger bro. Thought I'd see Andrew on the summit, but he must've been WAY ahead.

Had a gentle descent after a couple minutes rest and taking in the view. Again, was shocked to see the HR drop to 130 on the descent. I was descending OK - not super-fast - and tried to keep things easy but honest on the South Waldo Trail over to Mt Ray. A little rough running in there but felt OK. Dealt with a little gut rot but that passed.

Hit Mt Ray AS/Waldo Lake Road with a race split (Fuji AS to Mt Ray) of about...80? Dunno, but it was OFF somehow. But it was RELAXED: like 140 HR average.

It was GOOD to run from Mt Ray to Bobby Lake. Damn, that trail is a GRIND. Good to remember, and to focus on form: the "pulling" of the gluts, plus good trunk posture on the douche grade was huge in keeping a good pace AND keeping the HR reasonable (like 140-150 again!).

The climb still took forever, and I hit another gut rot patch on Bobby Lake Trail, so I stopped for a deuce. Once I got to the PCT I went south, and dug out the tunes.

That section went fast, but it was clear I was "low" - on energy, water, or something, because the HR was going up: 150-160 on the flats, pushing it a bit. I stopped to actually take some SUGAR - half a sleeve of Bloks - before hitting the Maiden climb.

I pushed HARD on that climb - just about as hard as I could. Damn it was tough. Even powerhiking some of that shit was "gnar". And I thought back to how TOUGH BGD was, and how hard HE pushed, even nearly 60 miles into the race!

Got to the top almost pissed because of how hard it was to run, especially on that shitty rock at the top. Split a 47:00, which is solid. Stayed up there to enjoy to sights and finish that sleeve of bloks, then I scampered down.

The descent felt rough - my quads were RAAAHKED! - but it was a good practice to regain the stride, and I felt I ran really fast and efficiently down to the truck at the TH.

GOOD run. My watch was being short again and clocked it at 27. So I'm going to call it 30, or maybe 29?

Jumped into Gold Lake to rinse off, then joined the Waldo Trail Work Camp already in session! Fun night and a hell of a way to recover!
Gold Lake AS to Fuji AS: 53:56 (155bpm)
to Summit: ~18 (161bpm)
Summit to Mt Ray AS: 66:25 (137bpm)
Mt Ray AS to Bobby Lake -> PCT -> Maiden AS: 61:50 (149bpm)
Maiden AS to Summit: 47:00 (169bpm)
Summit to Maiden TH: 46:35 (151bpm)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
29.0 Miles