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In this sea of mediocrity

July 29, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Lifted at Veale before heading out for a run with Chippy. Decent lift, though I have work to do. Run didn't feel great but not terrible either. P90x abs with Jared Brucker after I got back.

DB Press: 10x60, 3x5x70
Skullcrushers: 10x60, 5x70, 2x70/3x60 dropset, 5x60
Curls: 10x60, 3x5x80, 5x50, 5x40, 10x30, 10x20

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 30:24 7:35 / Mile Easy Ghost 5 Blue/White