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I can be anything, anything I want to be

July 30, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Swim

Swam with Chippy. Upped the distance by a bunch:

100 free 6 s/b
100 breast
100 free 6 s/b
100 breast
100 free 6 s/b
100 breast
100 free 6 s/b
50 breast
2x underwater (32y, 36y)

Afterwards I headed downstairs to lift. hamstrings tightened up pretty badly while I was doing warmup reps for squats, so I did back crunch and reverse flys.

Back crunch: 10 x 25 plate, 2x10x35 plate
Reverse flys: 3x10x15DB
Shoulders: 10 circles w/ 12.5 DB, 10 front raises with 12.5 DB

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
747.97 Meters   Speedo Vanquishers Smoke