August 2, 2014 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Walk
Weird day: messed around a bit in the AM, sleeping in a bit, then biked to work. Had a few errands to do, then I foam rolled, did some strength, then powerhiked on the treadmill.
Worked my was from about 3.5mph -> 4.2mph and grade from 13% to 14%. GOOD workout: emphasizing trunk neutral and glut loading. 2 full miles and >30minutes.
Spent a TON of time writing my WS pacer report. Fun stuff. :-)
PM: Whiteaker Block Party. No debauchery with Cliff like last year but FREE BEER at Ninkasi (courtesy of Emily) and a legit good concert at their new building/grounds! Drank too much though!!!
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
2.0 Miles |