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Crater Lake

August 22, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Up early at 630 and all packed up by 7! Went to the lodge for coffee, like last year, then drove up to the Rim.

Steve can't drive stick, so we drove the truck to the north rim, which was fine, because they were resurfacing the road with that shitty "tar + gravel" method, which sucks to bike on.

Once up there, we noted that the East Rim was closed about two-thirds of the way around! Damn! After checking online, we determined we could get to Mt Scott, so we biked there, hiked up and down, then came back.

Steve did pretty damn well, for riding a bike (which he never does) at altitude! Thankfully there were plenty of downs and only a few gradual ups to Mt Scott.

The hike up and down was nice, but a little irritable in bike shoes. We had some good chats along the way, and the weather gradually warmed from the high 40s to the high 50s and sun.

On the way back: Steve rode downhill north until it began to climb, then hung out, while I hauled ass back to the truck to pick him up. I felt GOOD on the bike, which was cool. I was able to do the long climb back to the truck on "the big ring".

I picked him up, then we headed to the visitor center to check things out, then drove out!

The afternoon plan was to go find a campsite at the base of the Sisters, outside Bend, but even getting there at 4 was too late! EVERYTHING was full! So we headed into Bend...and the cheapest crap hotel room was over $100! F! We had to bite the bullet because Steve really wanted to hang out in Bend, and paid the Super 8 like $125 for a room! Ugh.

After cleaning up, we headed to Crux for beers. It was AWESOME. Damn, Bend is a great city! Tons of amazing beer and lots of "young" folks, and good looking women!

My former EPT coworker Pete showed up to share a beer. Good to catch up with him. Tried to hook up with EEEN, but it didn't happen. Steve and I went downtown for a while and wound up at a "nightclub" not unlike Vinyl Club, which was already hopping at 1030! But we didn't stay long.

Fun day!...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes