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Rock, roll, and rage

August 29, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: Cardio Room

Real solid stationary bike workout. 5 minutes easy at level 5, 5 minutes at level 8, then 20 minute workout block at level 10 followed by a 3 minute cooldown. RPMs around 115 most of the time. Once the actual workout started, I just put my hands on the forward grips and closed my eyes, focusing on the workout and the music which made the time pass quite nicely. Not sure of mileage at 10 minutes but I hit 3 at 8:40 so we'll go with that.

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
12.68 Miles 33:00
3.0 Miles 8:40 2:53 / Mile Warmup  
9.08 Miles 21:20 2:20 / Mile 187 193    
0.6 Miles 3:00 5:00 / Mile Cooldown