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Easy treadmill

September 3, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

BUSY day: no breaks, then saw an extra patient in the PM.

Got in a good strength workout at lunch (3x deadlifts, chop abs, and bicep curls).

After work: ran 4 on the treadmill, honing the stride: pawback, back arch, knee drive. MAF was so so: 6:5x, 7:0x, 7:10 or so. Not bad of a regression.

Still VERY stiff in my legs. I need another massage!

PM: texted a bit with KacR. I want to see her again, but she's SO damn sensitive about "planning ahead" I dread even asking her outside of a phone call.

Went to T&G to drink some Green Flash beers with Jason and Emily: wound up talking a lot about Kaci, namely my three concerns:

1. Coop
2. MigZ
3. Eating

On the latter, Jason specializes in eating disorder therapy. He obvz saw a bunch of red flags when she was out (e.g. her ordering "an almond butter and jelly sandwich" when at the pub), but he said that her merely being able to travel here (totz out of her comfort zone) is a huge positive indicator (as those with real problems frequently can't leave their "routine"). Soo...I guess that's good...

I think a HUGE barrier in our relationship is going to be her rigidity. This was the death blow of my relationship with Chelsea - her hyper-rigidity.

Later on, my friend Hannah (a good friend of Craig's and a fellow PT) showed up. When J & E left, Hannah and I chatted about Kaci, and she brought up a REALLY good point about the importance of Kaci being able to "maintain her identity" - of the THREAT people feel (especially controlling type-As) when they get into a relationship and feel like they have to change. The dissolution of identity (e.g. either having to adapt or completely changing for your spouse) is a huge problem. And I think THAT is what Britt did: just adopting ALL of my interests!

So it was good insights, all 'round, and more motivation for ME to be sensitive to not controlling her, and allowing her to both gradually adapt to MY needs yet wholly maintain her "quirks" and individuality that makes her so awesome!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles