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RF - Deuce Lutz loop

September 28, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60 -> nearly 70, but not humid. PERFECT

The plan was to run with Max and two HS friends of ours, Heather and Jenny (the latter a HS teammate who's now an ultrarunner!). But Max bailed last minute, and when I went to meet them at Whitetail, they weren't there...but a million mountain bikers were.

Since I ran there last week, I, too, bailed: I drove back to mom's and ran from there.

Did the classic downtown/main St River Falls route, then into the Kinni Trails. Just a FANTASTIC route: dry singletrack, with crisp AM air and great fall colors!

Did the "Deuce Lutz" - a loop named after these twin girls that ran for a local school back in my coaching days. They were "identical twins", but you could tell a is the same with this loop: a roundabout single track on a ridge with a teeny loop at the end that wraps you back to do it in reverse!

Did that, feeling much, much better than yesterday: the allergy meds helped, but I still had a bit of asthma at the end. By the HR average was 13x. Ran in the OLD WS-era Trail N2s.

Went to Max's for coffee afterward. Had a bit more of a chat 'til his wife/daughter came home! It was a teeny bit awkward (as clearly things aren't good), but it was good to see Kate and Amelia.

I left at noon, then hit the airport for the long trip home.

GOOD trip. SO worth it. Felt like I connect with Max and got him grounded a bit and re-oriented...a lot like starting out as a pacer in an ultra race: just get a baseline and a few fundamentals hammered out!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles