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3x mile on treadmill

October 8, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: beautiful! high 70s, nice

Pretty OK day at work, but felt sluggish. I it diet? Is it allergies? Is it...just mental? Not sure, but I get some low points at work, and they bug me. Had a good afternoon, though.

After an easy end of August, an easy ALL of September and an easy early's time to introduce more speed. Not a ton, but some. Autumn Leaves is coming up and I'd like to run uptempo there. And with a SC2MB coming up, I decided on some speed today.

Ran outside 4 easy to warm-up. Had some SERIOUS gut-rot, so bad that the workout was in doubt, but a couple drinks of water and I rallied well enough. Did about x5 strides outside before heading in.

Wasn't sure what I could do, but I said, fuck it, and just put it at 12mph...and felt pretty strong!

General focus:
- hinge
- pawback
- more knee drive
- lumbar extension
- deep gut breathing

Specific focus:
- more R hip extension
- compact L landing (wide, not narrow)

Felt pretty good! The HR was...OK. Pre-Waldo it was literally 150x-163. Today, it creeped above 170 at times on the 3rd mile. Felt GOOD, though! Rested just over a minute between each.

Biked home for cooldown. Good run!!

Met Emily at Max's: we talked and I offered to help coach her. I feel she's got a load of talent (and drive to get better) and I'd like to give back to *this* run community a lot more. I'm not sure she's got MUC-level talent, but...she might!

Just as we were talking, I found out Timmy's being coached by Koop...and I nearly vomited from outrage.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles