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Zorinsky "tempo" repeats w KacR & MigZZZ

October 5, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in again - stayed up later than we should have - and left for the run around 11:30. MigZ said he wanted in on this workout: 3x15min "tempo", so we ran with him.

The trio of us started off REALLY easy for KacR: like 9min pace! Felt good and the HR seems low and breathing good. I took a whole Allegra this AM, without a ton of food with it, and several puffs from the inhalar, so I was ready to roll.

We got near the dam on Zorinsky, when it was go time. Even though the total run was 2h30m, Koop ALWAYS wants the work up front! ALWAYS. So 2mi in, it's go-time.

KacR f-ing TAKES OFF on the first repeat, up a slight climb, then flat atop the burm of the dam. I thought she'd settle in as she pulled away, a good 50m ahead of me and MigZ (who quickly fell off me), but she didn't! So I hung back, then caught up to her easily on a short, steepish descent...then promptly lost her on an equally short + steep climb. From there, she did lay off a touch but stayed a good 50m in front.

My watch was saying well under 6:00 to just over...and it's ALWAYS "slow" or short! Sheesh! She was so far in front of me that when the interval was done, I couldn't tell 'til I caught back up.

I let her know, "I'm gonna tell you this even though you might get pissed, but I don't care: did you know that was the same pace as what we did the 3min repeats in?"

She didn't. "Koop doesn't want me looking at my paces". Sooo...I guess she has NO clue how fast she's running? WTF??

"Are we gonna turn back for MigZ?"

Oooh-kay. So we "jog" along (mid-7s pace). She asks me to lead the 2nd rep, and I agree, but I was WORKING that first one. I led, and kept us just over 6:00 pace for the most part (6:13 on my watch, again, short). Repeatedly I had to let her know we were sub-six.

My HR was sky-high. I didn't look at it, but I could tell I was in duress. The legs felt great, the breathing "OK", but I felt like I was in total red-line, so when we finished that one, I told her "I'm done". We jogged the 7min together, then she took off for her third repeat. I turned back to jog the other way, as she was soon to start her second 7-mile lap around Zorinsky. Ran past MigZ who was WAYYYY off the back...

...then jogged easy. The HR was outrageous. I had to run 8:30 pace to keep it in the 140s, and, 30min later, when I saw KacR again (post-intervals, with MigZ) and we ran mid 7s, it was 160 again. Yikes.

We finished the 2nd lap, and rather than add on, I ran solo, straight back to her house.

...OK run. Not great, but clearly I was still sensitized, despite the drugs. In fact, the Allegra irritated the hell out of my stomach, which sucked.

Ran 2:05, about half of which was avg of <7 pace, the other half about 8 pace.

While they were wrapping up the run, I busted out KacR's lawnmower and mowed the backyard. :-P

Freaking unbelievable run by KacR. I told her, anyone who can so smoothly run <6 pace for 45min of tempo can run mid-2:30s for the marathon.

The rest of the day: MigZ hung out for a while, then took off. And we did have an OK "opening convo" about him, which was good. I didn't spill it about how I truly feel, but it was a start.

Hung out the rest of the afternoon, then got a ride to the airport at 630ish. Good day, good weekend...but the allergies really make it suck...and it's tough on my body and brain to feel THAT shitty on these runs...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.5 Miles