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Dan-O cemetary hut

October 14, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: rain, high 50s

First "Fwinter" hunt of the season: last week was warm, dry and light; today was dark, rainy and fairly cold.

Ran from Lewis' with a solid group:

OGs: me, Tommy, Lewis, Dan-O, and Cliff (making his triumphant return)
PBs: MrR, Emily, Katniss

Ran from Lewis', north through campus and the pioneer cemetary, then the campus cemetary, then down past SEHS, into the SW hills, into another cemetary. Dan-o had us guess "a prize", and Lewis got it: it was a "Dead Guy" ale. :-P

I felt like SHIT at first on this run. Hr was low (115-130), but I felt tired and sluggish. Deuced at Lewis' before the hunt (rare) and had to deuce again at SEHS mid-run (super-rare). Not sure what's going on but it feels like a leftover from whatever fatigue+malaise I felt this weekend.

Over the second half of the run, I felt a ton better, though.

Post-run: GOOD chat where Clifton cleared the air about his absence, and how he felt both alienated and unappreciated by the group (based on us "flaking out" of his planned hunt in August). On one hand, he argued that "people have him wrong" that he's not a mysoginist / pick-up artist, yet...he admitted that his planned hunt was going to include TWO "masked woman in lingerie, whipping us" at his house! WTF??? Weird. He also had this beef with Emily, who, according to him, refuses to forgive him for "what I admit was borderline sexual harassment" when they first knew each other >1 year ago.

It was a good chat, though, just to let him know some feedback: that he needs to do more to establish TRUST with us, if he wants us to be more reliable and appreciate what he has to offer...and doing crazy ass hunts isn't the best way to do so.

Wore the Orange N2 Trails.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles