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Heebs, Ibibs, and Teebs

October 17, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Nice

Hill workout in the meadow with the sprint crew. Nice long warmup helped my IT band I think so that was good. Ran with Andrew Ibibo and Toby. Workout was 150, 200, 250, 300, 300, 250, 200, 150 meters up the hill, walk down recovery. Felt it a little bit on the second half (late lunch not the greatest of calls) but not too bad. A little muddy too :)

Headed back to Veale for some body build lifts.

DB Curls: 3x8x40
DB Press: 8x65, 3x5x80
DB Shrugs: 10x70, 10x85, 10x100
Tricep Cable extensions: 3x10eax20lb
Push press: 3x10x65

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.37 Miles 0:00
1.5 Miles Warmup Ghost 5 Grey/Orange II
1800.0 Meters Hills Ghost 5 Grey/Orange II
0.75 Miles Cooldown Ghost 5 Grey/Orange II