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Weird day...

October 17, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Had to fast since last night for my MD appt, so had some tea alone for breakfast. I felt like I wanted to change up some things, so instead of biking to work, I walked, stopping by Allen Bros and then (a teeny bit) cheating with some coffee and heavy cream.

Work was good: only 3 patients, then I did some internet errands, then ran. Went easy on the boring South Eug route, which was fine. Did 6-7 strides again, which felt good. Run was fine for having no food for...14 hours?

Hustled after the run to the MD appt, which was good. Saw Dr Andy Gilchrist, who's about my age. I used to work closely with their practice, he and I know each other. Got a bunch of shit done:

- full blood work (cholesterol, etc), including iron+ferratin and vitamin D
- got TWO preventative shots: flu and pneumonia
- got a "STD panel". This is the 2nd time, ever, I've done this. No "reason" (e.g. symptoms), but I just wanna make sure I'm "clean". The irony is, I did this for Kaci's sake, though that may no longer be relevant!

So had a nice chat with Andy and he did an actual clinical exam, which was cool (no "turn and cough", though!). They drew blood and took pee, and I was out.

From there? ...WALKED downtown to the library and borrowed a book. "Blink" is a book about trusting your "gut" (unconscious brain) in decision-making. Walked to the Tea House downtown and nursed some good tea and...just read!

It was weird: I didn't want to break my fast! So I just hung out there 'til about 5:30, reading, before walking home.

It's interesting: I thought about that idea, of trusting your gut, your FIRST-ever impression of people. And I thought back to the FIRST time I EVER saw-slash-met my previous relationships:

- Britt: I thought she was a self-absorbed "trophy wife" + selfish runner
- Chelsea: I thought she was a high-and-mighty "fitness power-woman" who's "tranquility" was insincere

Neither of these women I liked when I first met them.

And Kaci? BGD was there when I first met her:

- I thought she was a really sweet, nice person: strong, but shy and a little wounded.

As for Britt and Chelsea - my first gut-instinct, over YEARS later, was still spot-on. Will I be right about Kaci? Is there hope for her? For us? I guess we'll see...

Finally went home and broke the fast with a Maiden the Shade, then ate some stuff...then read some more. Pretty chill day, and I was in bed by ten.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles