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easy south Eugene

October 28, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: rain, then OK - high 50s

OK day, but a little worn. It was one of those runs where, for a while, I felt WORSE after the run, than before!

Ran EASY from work, through Tugman Park and back. NO strides, because I was sore as hell! The downhill repeats took more out of me than I realized! The R foot was quite sore at the end, as well.

I was pretty upset this morning - and on the run - after Kaci's email. It was a complete shut-down denial of everything. In no part of that message did she:

- apologize for hanging up on me, then not re-establishing communication
- acknowledge that SHE was the reason we "did't make it to Michigan Bluff".
- acknowledge or put ANY value on MY feelings or sensitivities (it's ALL about HER)

The fact that she said, "let go of anger and pain" really drove me nuts. What does SHE have to be angry about? That I disrupted her RACKET: of having an arms-length boyfriend AND a dysfunctional non-friendship defacto-boyfriend with whom there is no risk, no sacrifice, and no challenge?

UGH, I was mad. It was hard to keep the HR down. But eventually, the frustration abated a bit, and my mind drifted to other things. Even though the HR is still a little high (14x on the meat of this run), I was mid-7s pace (so low 7s to 7-flat) in the second half.

I will write Kaci back - I need to - but I will wait 'til after JJ100. If she thinks she can bury this -- to fail to apologize for how she treated someone she "loved", to fail to acknowledge my feelings, to fail to accept ANY responsibility in what happen -- and she thinks we can just be friends, like nothing EVER happened (which is her current behavior), she is GREATLY mistaken.

At least when Chelsea was in outrageous denial, she wasn't deluded enough to think we could be friends.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles