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October 29, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Chilly, partly cloudy, nice sunset from Ft. Reno

Anthony informed us yesterday before we took Glover to Foxhall that we would be doing a "freeform" workout. I had absolutely no idea what that meant, but Zeke listened well during yesterday's assignment of groups. Coach had mistakenly told everyone else to go to BK instead of AU, saying, "Whoops, how did that slip out?" Putting this together, we were sure we'd have a mix of pickups at the peaceful place. WRONG! Instead he took us on an agonizing, suspenseful 4-mile warmup across Connecticut, down and up Brandywine and eventually to Ft. Reno. After two striders we did the "1200m" loop twice at something faster than race pace with 90-second recovery. This meant, 4:44, then 4:42 for me. I actually felt quite strong once we had finally begun. Following some more cooldown, we shifted over to the flatter field and did 4x"400m" loop around the trashcan by the corner, up the side of the plateau, across the field (aiming to really push this section) and around the Sycamore tree to finish. We knew were in for six, but after four, jogged a bit and sprinted up the main hill two times, putting us in oxygen debt for the last two. I think these took 79, 80, 74, 78, 85, 84 for me. We did two long, flat sprints at the end, both 23 for me then chased Anthony up the hill one more time in quest of my jacket.Anthony informed us yesterday before we took Glover to Foxhall that we would be doing a "freeform" workout. I had absolutely no idea what that meant, but Zeke listened well during yesterday's assignment of groups. Coach had mistakenly told everyone else to go to BK instead of AU, saying, "Whoops, how did that slip out?" Putting this together, we were sure we'd have a mix of pickups at the peaceful place. WRONG! Instead he took us on an agonizing, suspenseful 4-mile warmup across Connecticut, down and up Brandywine and eventually to Ft. Reno. After two striders we did the "1200m" loop twice at something faster than race pace with 90-second recovery. This meant, 4:44, then 4:42 for me. I actually felt quite strong once we had finally begun. Following some more cooldown, we shifted over to the flatter field and did 4x"400m" loop around the trashcan by the corner, up the side of the plateau, across the field (aiming to really push this section) and around the Sycamore tree to finish. We knew were in for six, but after four, jogged a bit and sprinted up the main hill two times, putting us in oxygen debt for the last two. I think these took 79, 80, 74, 78, 85, 84 for me. We did two long, flat sprints at the end, both 23 for me then chased Anthony up the hill one more time in quest of my jacket. This was just the workout I needed and we all worked together most of the time just like at camp. I was afraid that after MACs I'd be too fatigued for more season, but MACs were only the beginning.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.45 Miles 1:24:54 8:07 / Mile Interval