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October 31, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cloudy, chilly at the beginning, trees were beautiful

This may have been one of the greatest training runs of the season. At 3:30, Zeke, Tristan and I took Connecticut to Soapstone through Rock Creek and along Breach Drive for a while, eventually ending up back where we begun the run and taking Albermarle to Wisconsin to school. Weather was excellent, I felt great and was in hilarious company. It was nice to let loose after an uptight day in my Julius Caesar costume. I am going to miss days like this. At home I did 30 squats, 3 minute prone plank, one minute of mountain climbers, 15 calf raises and a 2:49 supine plank. Did I mention we just knocked off an hour long run like it was nothing?

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.9 Miles 1:01:38 6:55 / Mile Training