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Fort River

November 4, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

This really was a night run. It gets dark at 4:45pm now, so it always feels so late. I was starving when I got home so I ate first then digested a little bit. Headed out around 8pm. Usually I am pretty good about running after eating. I did eat Taco Bell right before a BW indoor meet once... Anyways I got a cramp pretty soon into the run. Headed over behind Amherst College and over to Fort River first. By the time I got there, had a stomach cramp and started to slow down. Legs were feeling really good today, and the weather was pleasant this evening. Kinda a bummer. Headed back up Main St and then came down the hill home. Ankle was also pretty weak and kinda hurt at points. That slowed me down and was also not that great. Still, glad that I got out even if it was late. I had a busy day today and needed to get my legs moving.

Essentials: Stretch

Felt better after the run the during it. Stomach was kinda bothersome still so I did a light stretch. Legs feeling good, got to work on the ankle more. Hurt enough that I noticed and it slowed me down a little, but not as bad as things I have already gone through. Hope ppl went out and voted today. I felt so fucking stupid for not voting... Too lazy to get the absentee or register in Mass. Just another one of the 80% of America who did vote. Does the election really reflect our views if so many people dont turn out to vote? IDK... It doesnt matter who is in office really they all still run the country and people will be unhappy and ready to run them out of office four years from now. Ahh America the Beautiful...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles 34:00 7:33 / Mile Cruise Brooks Ghost 7