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Easy sixer with LB!

November 9, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 40s, chilly but dry

LB is in town for a ski patrol meeting, so he met a bunch of us OG's (me, Dan-O and Tommy) and Emily for an easy run in South Eug. Ran EASY (like 9-flat pace) down Amazon and around Rexius and back.

Felt GREAT. I thought I'd be wrecked - and, metabolically, I did feel worn at the end - but I otherwise felt REALLY good. Almost took it off (probably should have), but didn't, and it was fine.

Didn't go to breakfast with them; instead, got home, ate quick, then hit Brail's to work on my iRF column. THREE deadlines in the next 24 hours! UGH! Thankfully, I ground out a nice article in only a few hours.

Notable social update: after some back and forth and stalling with Charlotte, I got a VERY RANDOM FB instant message from her on Saturday night, "What are you up to tonight?". Weird! That's the sort of thing you ask people you're "friendly" with and-or hang out with...not people you've yet to meet more than once. I wrote back, "Hi, Charlotte, how are you? I'm watching the Ducks game, what are you doing?"

...and she never wrote me back! What a weirdo!

So this AM, I wrote her, telling her I'd be at Brail's and she should come down to try the best coffee in Eugene (it is). I kept the window open wide ("noon to 3") and told her "I have three writing deadlines", to let her know it's not about hanging out, just that I'll be here doing my thing. Zero pressure.

Didn't hear from her...until about 2 hrs after I left. She sent me another weird message...and then her phone number! Huh...

Got the article done, then grocery shopped, then did laundry...then hustled over to Lewis' house for a almost-as-weird Sunday night non-run social to watch (weirdest yet): "Office Space"! Fun way to wrap up the weekend.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles