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treadmill 3x mile

November 11, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: nearly 60 and sunny...then indoors

Stayed out WAY too late last night and only got six hours sleep. On top of that, I have a cold that seems to be worsening. Not good.

I delayed the workout to today, and didn't want to push it back again. Even though it was HELLA-nice out (after a chilly AM), I did the repeats indoors on the treadmill. I ran easy for four miles to warm-up, including 4 strides, then headed in.

Once again, the repeats were EASY. I was form-focused, but I had Cooper film the last bit of my third repeat. The side view was good:

- good hinge
- good hip mobility
- OK pawback: good on the right, still long on the elft
- good lumbar and neck neutral

I THOUGHT I was doing a good job with foot strike, but I'm still quite lateral. Also, the trunk was moving side to side a hell-of-a-lot more than ideal, which was annoying...BUT it's improved. Ugh, still lots to work on.

The repeats / "end heart rate":

5:00 - 164
5:00 - 168
5:00 - 170

The average was probably a good 5 beats lower, as the first quarter was always 10+ beats lower, so that was good.

Rest interval was maybe 2-2:30.

NO hunt in the PM: felt like I needed to rest and not be out late, running + drinking. Worked on the tail-end of my Men's Journal article, then texted Charlotte.

She GAVE ME her number, unsolicited, on Sunday, and TOLD ME to text her. I did, and she didn't respond. What a weirdo! I swear, women's "soft no's" are getting outrageous. I thought Emelia took it to a new level (e.g. pretending to be interested, but never, ever following through), but Charlotte is taking it a notch further! Sheesh.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles