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EWEB Run to Stay Warm half-marathon

November 23, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: low to mid 40s, light breeze but otherwise awesome

[wore the NEW road N1s - Blue]

Mike came over at 8 for this half race, which we're both using as a "tune-up" for our respective races on 12-6 and 7.

We jogged an easy 3 miles through downtown, then came back to the apt and suited up. It was nice enough that I went with a t-shirt and my new PI arm sleeves, and I brought a visor in my pocket in case in rained.

RtSW is pretty big - several hundred folks - so lots of the local community was out. Hammer was also running from the TNH group.

The Race

The run started with a loop around the EWEB building on the river, just a half-mile from my apt. From there, we rolled along the bike path all the way into Springfield, before looping back and going all the way downriver to the end of the path, and back.

I settled in REALLY easy after dawdling to cross the start chip mat. REALLY wanted to make sure I didn't go out too hard and make this a painful experience. I was in maybe 20th place on the bike path, even behind Hammer. Hammer's a solid runner, but not particularly "serious" in his training, so I figured, even with me running measured, I'd gobble him up soon enough.

Big, BIG form focus today. I did a variety of cool, useful things, namely the "100 Count": doing a particular form cue 100 times. Various cues:

- right foot push-off
- left elbow swing
- hinge and-or lean
- pawback left
- left arm back + right arm forward

Focusing on these things for 100 reps in a row made the miles fly by, and it kept me efficient. Also thought a ton about spine posture: both low back (arched) and neck (long & tall).

Split low 6s...all day. There were a couple slow miles when we had to turn around, but otherwise they were like clockwork: VERY minimal effort, 100% sustainable.

Had an interesting snarky moment around mile three. There was an intersection before a key cone-turn 180 where one could cut off the turnaround a full 300m short. No one was there, and there was no sign: only a light powder arrow. So when I got to the real turnaround manned with water volunteers, I said,

"You guys should think about putting a marshall on that turn up there, it's unmarked".

And some fuckin' guy, as I was running off, replied,

"Well, maybe you should VOLUNTEER next year!"

SERZIEZ?? Wow. I almost stopped, but I kept going. That pissed me off a good 3-4 miles.

The field strung out after that, and I remained between 20-50m behind The Hammer! He was running strong. He lost me a bit more when - inexplicably - the fields of the half, 5K AND 10K all combined on the same road! Yeesh! Took a mile to get through them!

From there, it was just ticking off miles. Took a gel at 7 miles, just after splitting a 39:5x for the halfway split. Then, I just went to work to gradually - through form excellence - reel in Hammer!

Finally got him on the curly-q bridge on ramp crossing to the other side. I pulled even with him just before 5K to go. I thought it was awesome that he was running so well, so I ran with him for two miles, before he began to fall back a bit.

With a mile to go - in Skinner Park, near my apt - I dropped The Hammer - both ways! I pushed HARD, working my best "Max King Pelvis" and driving the knees more. Wasn't sure how fast I was going, but it felt good!

Lots of little rollers in that last mile, but a nice downhill to flat finish. Crossed the line in 1:19:33 for 11th, but F2! Some fast chick from Bend dominated in 1:14!!

Overall, I was VERY happy:

- effort was very consistent and not forced at all 'til the end
- stride was...pretty good. It was clear that I was over-striding (calves feeling it), but I felt like the main components - the HAPP'D - were good enough to keep things efficient. Also, I felt like my right push-off - "The White Whale" - was pretty good, with the emphasis on R hip+L elbow back+ R arm forward, etc...
- energy was solid and the body held up amazingly, considering the five-hour run 36 hours before! I did something like this previously (2013: did Hardesty Constitutional, then 17 miles of Eug marathon the next day), but that trail run was much shorter (3hr vs 5).


- congratulated Hammer, who ran 1:19:58!
- talked with my old boss, Jeff, who was volunteering doing injury screening
- cooled down two EASY miles with Hammer and Mike, who ran 1:29 - a clockwork effort at MP
- saw Chelsea finish...then talked to her for about a minute - or first talk since May and only second since we broke up in March
- saw a bunch of friends and former patients, which is always great
- cleaned up and went to Tap & Growler...and was there for SEVEN hours! Hung out with Mike, then Emily showed up, then MrR and Tommy, then Hammer and Gretchen...sheesh! But the constant chatter with Callie-Alice was...well, pretty motivating to stick around. :-) Constant I.O.I.s, including asking Emily and I if she could run with us.'s an interesting thing. Trying real hard to be "dispassionately assess" everything in my life: running, work, relationships. It's the only way to see objectively - to see the BIG picture and any potential pitfalls.

So, yeah, here's a woman WAYYY younger than me (23, 24 in January), with a boyfriend...but chemistry is undeniable. She's a solid, SOLID person - hard worker with a new professional, full-time job, loves running...and seemingly well-grounded. Tough to dismiss simply because logistics aren't ideal.

It gets back to what BGD mentioned: why do some people - who on paper don't always deserve it - wind up with the "good things"? I think the lesson is, you have to - you must be WILLING to - really go after what you want. Is it something your heart says is GOOD, and something you feel you deserve? If you want it, if it feels right - and truly IS an honestly good association for all sides - then goddamnit, you have to give it a push! I think the people who do that - regardless of "perfect fit" - are the people who are fulfilled, while the rest of us are waiting for things to happen *to us*.

So yeah, fuck it...I'm keeping my mind open, but there are things (and people) I'm passionate about, and I know that *I* would be a good thing for a lot of folks out there...and I have to fight for myself!


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
18.1 Miles 0:00
3.0 Miles Warmup  
13.1 Miles    
2.0 Miles Recovery