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theraband mile + South EUG

November 24, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: dry

Not terrible sore from yesterday, but clearly tired. Ran a mile on the treadmill with the theraband around my leg, again. It's occurring to me that, holy shit, I don't use my calves to run AT ALL. I've realized this a few times here and there - especially when I do the ankling drill - but shit, that's a BIG reason why my push-off sucks on the right (but also left): I don't push off with my foot and ankle. That's what the band works on most.

Ran easy through South Eug. No HRM, forgot it. But kept it real easy. Minding the exit wound...

OK day at work, with a nice couple breaks.

PM: headed over to T&G to get some stuff done, and because it's Callie Alice's last day(s) working.

I've been playing A LOT with my handwriting analysis book. It's so fascinating. Handwriting is an expression of body language - and a direct conduit into what we're feeling, and, as such, who we are. It's been very interesting looking at old cards from Chelsea and Kaci - and back-interpreting elements of them and our relationship, based on how they write.

For example: Kaci writes very "middle third dominant". From top to bottom, writing is broken into thirds: the "upper" is where the tops of the l, t, f, letters go. The middle is where the main part of the letter is, and the lower is the bottoms of j, y, p.

The letters should be balanced when we write. Folks who are upper dominant tend to be future oriented, with "big ideas" (and sometimes too big). Too lower dominant: there are deep desires not being met. Too middle dominant: you're overly focused on RIGHT NOW, and immediate needs...which is a sign of immaturity.

Kaci is outrageously middle dominant. The tops of letters barely reach above the tops of a, e, o, etc. Fits about right...

There's also a component of body image and thoughts, concerns about one's body, based on those thirds: people will be weird with the upper third if they're concerned about a health issue in their head, chest, etc. So is it possible that Kaci's body image issues ("trunk") is being expressed in her middle dominance, as well?

Near the end of the night, for fun I had Callie write four random sentences on a piece of paper for me to analyze: four "facts", one of which had to be a lie. And I guessed it, correctly! :-P

I didn't completely break down her writing at the time, but there were some interesting things: she's very lower dominant: BIG, long lower letters, including these outraegously long t's. T's aren't supposed to have a lower level, but hers go lower than a j or y. So this could mean some deep desires not being met...or big worries about the health of her lower body... Interesting stuff... :-)

It's been enormously insightful with new patients - trying to get a read on who they are, and what they're bringing with them into the therapy environment. :-)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles