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Baldy x1 with Cian

November 26, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: pretty warm! Nearly 60!

Ran with Cian, one of my oldest patients and one of my former track kids from South. He's taking a "gap year" and focusing on soccer training...but he made this interesting bet with his coach-slash-agent: run from Hendricks Park (near campus) to the top of Spencer and back. That's like a ten-mile, 1800' climb (all the way to the top). So when I heard about this a couple weeks ago, I told him I'd run with him on some climbs.

This is another part of the community outreach - just helping younger folks get better. Coaching Emily is a big part of that, and running with Cian - a kid I've known since he was in 8th grade - is just another part of it.

I was TIRED today. And NO COFFEE. Just didn't have time, but I'm not sure it would've helped! Ran easy from work, southbound, and met Cian about halfway to Baldy, just off 30th and Amazon. We ran easy to the end of the Rexius trail, stopping for pull-ups, then got to the base of Baldy.

Shared a couple form and effort pointers, then we went after it. Nice easy effort: I didn't want to go hard, being as tired as I was, and I didn't want to blow him away or do any "racing". Just easy, quick feet.

The Baldy climb has 3-4 steep pitches, with a 100m midsection that's downhill, providing a good 30s breather. I gapped him on the 2nd pitch and downhill, but he gradually made his way up behind me, finishing right behind.

We split a 10:22, and for me, and AHR of 159! That's REALLY good. Around Waldo, a 160hr would get me about 11-flat

After a breather up top, I took him down the (now muddy) singletrack in the woods, which he really liked.

I'm not sure what his future in soccer is: he's a little guy, like smaller than Max King - but he's got some running potential!

We split ways back at 30th and I ran solo back to work. Did 4x10+ pull-ups again today: good routine.

PM: was supposed to go to a poker night-slash-party with Cliff, but I was exhausted, so I bowed out. Good call, because I was WIPED.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.5 Miles