November 26, 2014 (Night)
Exercise Type: Other
Didn't run today. Worked till 4 then headed straight for the airport. On the way there I got an update saying my flight was delayed. About 5 minutes after checking in I got another call and they announced in the terminal that the flight was canceled for maintainance. The Florence airport called for some ground transport to take us to Charlotte but I decided my best bet to make my flight to Grand Rapids was to drive to Charlotte myself.
Quite the harrowing drive through the country. I'll spare you the details but it mostly involved me raging at every red light and ever car going less than 5 over in front of me. I had some difficulities with the GPS, even ended up driving briefly on the wrong side of a median. For some reason my google maps app takes you to the cargo entrence when you put in "Charlotte Douglas International Airport." This happened to me once before but I forgot so after pulling up at that entrence I frantically drove around for a bit before finding parking. Only the daily lot was open so I ended up paying like 50 bucks for parking all told. Still had to take a bus in from the lot.
Booked it through security (thankfully there was a short line) and to the gate to find there was a gate change. But thankfully only two gates down. Got there probably half way through boarding 5 minutes before the doors were scheduled to close. Lucked out.
Many men met me at the Grand Rapids airport. Was pretty nice to see everyone. Always nice with family.