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Night Run, Great Healing

December 17, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Started out pretty slow and really grew into the run. Ran up through the cemetary *At Night* and into the back of BV. Did two loops while there was still a little light out and then started towards Crafton. Twisted my ankle in a hole, but immediately refused the lie. I had really been thinking hard about the strength required to be patient and trust and it prepared me for this trial. It was a very clear and clean instantaneous healing. I continued to run and was fine. Run a little more and did Plyos in Crafton and got into a conversation with a parent of a runner. Jogged back down to Elsah, very nice run.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 45:48 6:32 / Mile Cruise Brooks Adrenalins