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December 25, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 51

Zeke hardly even took the time
To write in meter or in rhyme.
His poem did have stanzas three,
But it was bad, believe you me.

Every line stretched out, enjambed,
And every phrase so poorly rammed
Into a place where it fit not--
Was it hexameter or not?

On my run, on the other hand,
Far warmer weather blessed the land,
So out for 17 and back,
Now even more prepared for track.

Military-->Quincy until 17th-->back. 1:15 planks, 15 leg lifts, 1-minute six inches, flutters, scissors, 3x20 supermen. I hadn't planned to run today, but knew I would feel better if I did.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.7 Miles 33:00 7:01 / Mile Training