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Hardesty Constitutional - "White Christmas"

December 27, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 30s -> 40s, mostly dry

Slept in, then ate breakfast and got a coffee, then drove to Hardesty for the final long run. I haven't gotten much for "long run vert" - nothing, really - since TNF, so this was necessary.

It had rained hard in the valley the past two weeks, so I knew there'd be snow up there. But early season snow is run-through-able, so I did it.

The Suunto was on its last legs (left the charger at mom's), and ultimately it only made it 80mins into this run. Also left behind was my HR strap.

The idea today was a moderate-honest Hardesty, then try to run the flats+downs assertively (but under "160"), then push the last 4 on Goodman.

I felt GREAT going up Hardesty: was yawning on and off the first mile, and even at the end - running through 3-6" of snow, ducking branches, hopping trees - the effort felt "easy". I was worried I'd be splitting a 72 or something, but it was 66! VERY SOLID.

Probably my best Hardesty climb since '13 (effort:performance ratio. I bet my HR average was about 150!

Up top of Hardesty there was a LOT of snow, and it got deeper going along the Sawtooth ridge. There were a few prints near the top, and on part of the ridge, but then there were none...except HUGE "cat" tracks! Woah. No humans...just BIG paw prints (like, human fist-sized!), following along the trail, for a good mile+. They weren't brand-new but maybe 24 hrs old. Thankfully they went left at a fork, when I went right.

The exposed section of Sawtooth was downright treacherous, with a good foot of snow, but I shuffled my way through and was soon descending Lost Creek. Splits so far:

Hardesty: 66:20
to Lost Creek: ~28

Stopped for maybe 2mins to drink from the spring, then picked my way down the slick slush. The second half was more dry, making for good running.

to the road: ~25

Didn't push the road too hard. It's a desolate double track gravel road with few cars, but one came up on me as I was running down. When I got close, there were familiar faces, so I stopped: it was three of my SEHS kids! Mason was driving Spencer and Vincent up to hike Mt June. Was cool to see those guys, in general, and to see the road-and-track kids doing some trail stuff. Chatted for a minute, then kept on.

to Goodman: ~19

The plan was to push Goodman. I did, but not crazy-hard. It wasn't extremely slick, but after the last two falls, I didn't want a third, so I was sure to push the flats and use my "Max King Hips" to crank the ups. Those felt STRONG! Ran past a few groups of hikers, and otherwise made quick work.

to TH: ~33.

Split maybe a 2:50-low - SOLID run for the conditions, as my "best" is around 2:50. GOOD FREAKING RUN. As opposed to two weeks out from Waldo, I have a TON more leg energy right now; shocking, considering the high mileage, hard workout Wednesday, and 200s yesterday.

Wore the orange N2s again. Solid traction all-round.

PM: relaxed, read a bunch, then went to work to get some work done (emails, coaching stuff). The gait analyses are trickling in at nearly the perfect rate (every couple of weeks). My goal is two a month (= nearly $500). That's like a half-week's PT pay.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
18.0 Miles