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January 10, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 25

I woke up late and spent the first few hours of my day in a tired haze, trying to figure out what my dream meant. I didn't even fully wake up until I did this run: Glebe, Lee, Lorcom, Custis, Military, 31st; I'd describe it as Tour de North Arlington because it covers 90% of Military, goes through Lee Heights as well as Lyon village. I felt very strong the whole time and kept giving myself self-congratulatory speeches about discipline. I was sp cold at the end, that I had no inclination to go to Washington Golf for weights, doing 1:30 planks, leg lifts, 20 clams and 2x30 pushups and 30 squats instead.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.2 Miles 55:28 6:45 / Mile Cruise