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January 16, 2015 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Flippin fieldhouse, 30s outside

I fought through lots nerves and one of the worst nights of sleep I've had before a race and got myself to the starting line of the 4x800m with Tristan, Aidan and Zeke, running third leg. After poorly accepting the baton from Zeke I was off, for better or for worse. With Sahil cheering for me imitating Jason, I even smiled, but from there it was all business and felt alright--I don't have any splits, but made the conscious decision to get on my toes during the third lap. Once I had shepherded Sahil plus six underclassmen through warmups for two heats of the SMR, I was finally able to focus on my own 400m leg. Being seeded last, and noticing that my opponents were clearly sprinters, I thought, "Okay, just don't get last." I stayed five steps behind a guy from PVI the whole first lap (31 something), and then right after the first curve, Billy Cox--who had made an appearance urging me on--just decided to pass him and maintained the lead until giving the baton to Connor. Anthony said of my 800m that Mike Panzer and Ben Stern would run the same time at this meet then run 2:04-2:06 in the spring. He was more pleased with the 400m. And to think, with a little more work I could be the weakest link in a strong 4x800m this spring! I did a couple different cooldowns with Sahil, Zeke and Levi.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.25 Miles 39:20
2.0 Miles 16:00 7:59 / Mile Warmup  
800.0 Meters 2:18 4:37 / Mile Speed  
400.0 Meters 1:02 4:09 / Mile Speed  
2.5 Miles 20:00 8:00 / Mile Cooldown