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Holy cow

January 26, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Repeat 150's. Sprint, float, sprint, walk. Lost track of how many I'd done after 4 or so- guessing I did somewhere around 9. It was nasty. Probably really good for developing the aerobic system at high speed/ lactate clearance.

Lift afterward:

Used C4 for the first time. Half a scoop, didn't seem to have too much of an effect.

Back squats: 8x185, 5x205, 3x215, 5x205
Jerk: 8x95, 5x105, 3x115
Skullcrushers: 3x5x70bar
Palm up triceps cable pulls: 3x8eax17
DB Biceps curls: 10x32.5, 4x5x40, 10x25, 10x20, 10x15, 15x10

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.5 Miles 0:00
0.5 Miles Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
1.0 Miles Speed Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange