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Its bark is worse than its bite

January 27, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Broken 4, broken 3, 1, 1, broken 3, broken 4:
Goal: 100, 90s rest, 300 @ 46-49, 6:00 rest, 100, 60s rest, 200 @ 27-29, 6:00 rest, 100 quick, 100 walk recovery, 100 quick, 100 walk recovery, 100, 60s rest, 200 @ 27-29, 6:00 rest, 100, 90s rest, 300 @ 46-49.
Splits: 15, 48; 14.22, 30.25, untimed, untimed, 16.00, 30.29, 16, 47.3

Seated rows: 10x90ea, 8x100ea, 5x105ea, 3x115ea
DB Press: 10x60, 5x75, 5x75, 3x75
Back crunch: 15x35plate, 10x35plate
TBar Rows: 3x10x90
Bent over barbell rows: 10x95, 2x5x165
Deadlift: 5x165, 5x185, 5x205, 5x185

Realized midway through the seated rows that I hadn't eaten anything all day. The only thing that allowed me to get a workout in rather than collapse on the floor was the 2 scoops of C4 Sport preworkout. Got a decent lift in. Pretty substantial work to be putting in on a day-to-day basis so I really need to make sure I focus on consistency and keep this momentum of training for the rest of indoors. My goals are coming back into sight.

Weight post-lift: 158.5

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.0 Miles 0:00
0.5 Miles Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
1.5 Miles Interval Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange