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January 27, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

tough track workout. was literally in tears while warming up because i was so scared for it. the past month of running has shot my confidence. i ddidn't even think i could finish this workout. but i did, and my times, although not quite as fast as coach wanted, were still in the ballpark of where they should have been. i am not lost, i am still the same runner. i am still the best. i just have to believe that. in xc i got to the point where i just expected to be miles ahead of my teammates, i just knew i would be. and i was. need to get back to that point. i know i can, and i know i will! hopefully before indoor conference, where i will kick ass in both the 3k and 5k@ one month. let's go!


10 min w/u
5x 800 FAST ranging from 2:47 to 2:41 (5 seconds off my pr)
3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 6 min rest
10 min c/d

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.5 Miles