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January 28, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 30s, dreary

Lots of strength work (spp to eight, flutters/scissors for 1-minute, slow pushups for a minute, oblique crunches, Silverman drill, et al.) for boys team bonding, then Frankie, Zeke and I took Wisconsin to Western to Connecticut to Macomb to Wisconsin to school--an underrated route. Although we had vainly hoped to play foxes and hounds with the whole team, I still enjoyed running with Frankie and for once content to run at an easy pace, considering the distance. I did the crunch progression with 60 of everything and 3x20 pushups later. Quite worried about the front of my left ankle which has hurt after runs; my response with ice, however, has not been quite as aggressive as it should be

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.9 Miles 51:05
0.7 Miles 5:08 7:20 / Mile Warmup  
6.2 Miles 45:57 7:24 / Mile Training