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Not all there

February 3, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Coach bumped me down to the short sprints workout. Not sure if it was that she wanted someone to run with Ben Z and another watch with the group or if it was because the short sprint workout was easier (which it definitely was)

300 @ 47-51, 4:00r, 200 @ 28-32, 4:00r, 100 all out, 100 walk, 100 all out, 100 walk, 200 @ 28-32, 4:00r, 300 @ 47-51

Hit: 48.87, 31.03, 13:44, 13.43, 31.97, 50.96

Hit the times set for us but definitely felt like I was working harder than the times reflected on the 2's. The first 2 felt pretty easy but more like 29.x effort than 31.x. Blew all I had in the last rep just to hit pace. I need to start doing tempos or something.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.25 Miles 0:00
0.5 Miles Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
1200.0 Meters Interval Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange