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2mi amazon tempo

February 17, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60? nice again!

Ankle + achilles felt a ton better today, so I wanted to get some quality in. Risky move, but I can't pussy-foot anymore.

Ran again in the N0's - another risky move - but for the long-term sake of my ankles, I NEED the feedback of landing laterally, and the N0's are SO soft they'll key me into when I'm not on the middle of my foot.

Ran a half-mile on the treadmill to check my stride and feel it out. Little soreness, so I went for it. Jogged straight to the track. WAY more pollen in the air today than last week, unfortunately. The HR was high already: 14x running easy.

Did x4 strides, felt pretty OK, and I went for it. The HR spiked to 170 pretty quick, but I was form-focused - WITH trunk tape. Form focus:

- Trunk R (keeping it on the R side, R push off + L forward hip and knee drive)
- trunk, mid-low back extension "tall"
- strong arms (namely L back, R forward)
- both balls of the feet + arch

Felt GOOD again. The calf was WAY less tight than last week, and actually improved as I went along. I played it safe, however, and cut it after two miles, then jogged back to work.

12:13 for two miles (6:06.5/mi), AHR 170.

Low to moderate soreness on the <2mi cooldown, with more lateral soreness and a touch of anterior shin. A bit sore in the PM but not bad - again, WAY better than last week.

PM: met Mike and Victoria at Oregon Neurosport. They're amenable to a split (me being part-time resident, 2 days a week). I'm excited, because they're fantastic people.

No hunt due to the meeting.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles