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February 19, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Weights

Skullcrushers: 10x50, 2x5x70
DB Curl: 10x30, 3x5x40
Palm-up tri: 8eax23, 2x5eax27
Bar curls: 2x5x80, 4x80, 5x60, 5x50, 5x40, 15x30, 20x20
Rope tri: 8x42.5, 5x52.5, 5x42.5
DB lat shoulder raise: 8x15, 10x10, 15x10
Pullups: 5,5,4

Had to squeeze this in in a hurry after being told by the security guy that we weren't allowed to be there and letting him know that we were almost out. C4 Extreme got a nasty pump going but I'm not sure it felt any better while I was working than the Sport version did.

Slept 13 hours last night after not sleeping at all the night before but still felt kinda tired during the day; maybe better to not sleep quite that long.

Weight after lifting: 165
RHR: 52