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February 23, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

4,3,1,1,3,4. Last 4 cut short by baseball and me being tired/ a wimp.

14.63, 51.79; 13.37, 31.16; 13.53, 14.31; 14.21, 32.74; 14.17, 14.91


DB Bench: 10x60, 5x80, 2x3x80 with a negative on the last one
DB Curl: 10x30, 3x5x40
10x60, 2x5x80 superset with 10 close-grip bench, 3x80 7 cgb, 2x80 5cgb
Bar curls:
10x60, 4x90, 3x5x80, 5x60, 5x50, 10x40, 20x20, 25x20
DB Curls: 10x15

Felt awesome after that lift. Skillcrushers with Jared were especially great; had to dig super deep to get the reps out and it was awesome.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.24 Miles 0:00
600.0 Meters Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
1400.0 Meters   Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange