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Lorane + McBeth + Fox Hollow + Gimpl Ride

February 22, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 50s, sunny, but WINDY

Got home around 1ish and ate a bit, then got out for a ride. SUPER-nice again: pure sun, but a touch cold.

Listened to a bit of the Larisa Dannis URP. Some fun facts:
- she was obsessed with NE "peak bagging", pre-running, to the point where she was bagging a 3-4k' peak in New Hampshire, like, 4-5x a week! She claims to have done one (essentially, like a 2-3k' climb) over FIVE HUNDRED TIMES in a YEAR
- Then, after that, when she started running, she did ONLY MAF FOR TWO STRAIGHT YEARS

Talk about "base"!!!

My phone crapped out in the second half of the interview, so I didn't finish it.

Early in the ride, I felt my achilles, which annoyed the piss out of me, but it improved and I felt nothing after about a half-hour.

Did a long ride with three tempo segments:

- Chambers hill (6:20, 160hr)
- Mcbeth (16:48, 163)
- Gimpl (~9min, ~160)

Kept it REAL easy, otherwise.

Achilles was fine and not particularly tight. Working on plantarflexion strength. Cannot believe how weak I am, especially on the RIGHT side!

Post-run: dinner, then some work at T&G. Finished watching "Unbreakable" with Callie Alice. She's a terrible non-quoter, but is actually starting to quote some running vids! :-p

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes