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February 26, 2015 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 26

Full of energy from several hours of extra sleep, I left at 6pm and did Glebe, Lee, Quincy, Military, 36th at a nice clip, finishing much faster than I started. My ascent of Military near the end was one of the fastest I can remember and that of 36th and Piedmont the fastest. Unlike Anthony the other day, I did not feel like I was "bluffing"; no hill was too steep for me to conquer--confidence building run. I did eight, sharp striders at the end with little cooldown jogs in between to put myself in a track workout mindset. 1:15 six inches, scissors and flutters, 3x30 pushups, 20 clams.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.9 Miles 49:21 7:09 / Mile Training