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March 3, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

With the long sprint crew. Really nice workout, not very taxing. Repeat 200s at 34-36 seconds each, up to 3 minutes rest between but we cut it down to 70 or 80 seconds which felt just fine. Really enjoyed just cruising at a chill pace with the guys.

Jogged a cooldown lap with Adrian.

Back Squat: 8x135, 5x185, 5x205, 4x215
DB Curl: 10x30, 3x5x40, 5x30, 8x25, 10x20, 10x15
Skullcrusher/Close-grip bench superset: 3x5/10x80
Bar Curl: 10x60, 10x40, 30x30, 35x20
Reverse grip DB curl/ dips superset: 2x8/15x30, 12/15x30
Palm up tri: 5x23, 5x30, 8x23

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.62 Miles 0:00
400.0 Meters Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
2000.0 Meters   Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
200.0 Meters Cooldown Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange