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Not a good finish

March 16, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Weights

Got back my fluids midterm and it was awful so I headed right to Veale to blow off some steam. Used the heavy bag for a while, got into a good rhythm and felt like my technique was getting better. Definitely got a workout in there; I was dripping sweat and breathing hard by the time I was done. Finished and wasn't pissed at myself anymore, just disappointed, which I think was an improvement.

DB Press: 5x55, 5x70, 4x85
Palm up cable tris: 8x23, 5x30, 5x30, 3x27, 8x23, 6x20
Bar curl: 10x60, 2x5x80
Skullcrushers/ CG bench superset: 5/10x70, 5/10x80
Push press: 3x5x95

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes