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Broken 4's

March 24, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run


4 x (100 all out, 1:00rest, 300@44-48, 6:00rest)
Schmuhl stated ahead of time that he wasn't too concerned if we were behind pace on the 300's but I was getting blown away so badly that I didn't even do the last one. Hit about 47 for the first two, can't have been much under 50 for the last one. So I guess in hindsight since I was somewhere around the pace range it wasn't so bad but it sure seemed awful at the time. Really hard workout, which was nice.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.81 Miles 0:00
1.0 Miles Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
1300.0 Meters Interval Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
1.0 Miles Cooldown Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange