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Ain't ready for this

March 25, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Headed to the outdoor track after class to try to do some tempo 800's. Turns out, I can't pace for anything anymore haha and I'm also kind of out of shape, especially mentally. Gotta work on that if I want to be ready for the 800. Targeted 2:40 but went out in 36 and just sort of settled in from there. It didn't hurt but I could definitely feel myself going into oxygen debt which is not a great sign because that pace shouldn't be something capable of winding me. Got to start putting the mileage in.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.25 Miles 2:38
1.0 Miles Warmup Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
800.0 Meters 2:38 5:17 / Mile Tempo Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange
0.75 Miles Cooldown Ghost 6 Gray/ Orange