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LB-GH Consitutional

March 23, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Woke up not too sore, but I waited til afternoon to get the run in, as it wasn't too warm.

Decided to go no brace today: mostly because it was so damn irritating! It paid off, as I had next to NO symptoms, whatsoever! Heavy emphasis on whole foot strike and rolling through the ankles.

27:23 for the 3.6 constitutional, which again is pretty slow. Did 4x strides with Evan afterward, which was fun. Mom filed a sideview of the stride, which looked pretty solid.

Didn't do a whole lot: Grandpa Steve didn't come over today, due to fatigue and some med appts. Brandie, Nate, Evan, Josie and Billy and I went to a park past Biloxi, but nothing exciting other than that.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.6 Miles