April 12, 2015 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Weights
Not a lot of people at the gym, or so I think. Didnt have any glasses on and just burned through the lift. Workout was:
3 sets of:
DB Shoulder press x15 (15 lbs)
Bicep Curls x15 (15 lbs)
2 sets of:
Bench dips x10
Med ball pushups x10
Did just upper body today since I really worked my legs yesterday. havnt done pushups in a while either and those were really good. Felt a good pump as I left the gym and headed back through campus. Gym membership ends on May 8th, as the semester winds down. Not really sure if I will renew since its not open on the weekends and softball will be going on, but hey gametime decision yo. Not a big deal right now.