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Bike to and from Axis, yoga

April 22, 2015 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 50s, slight breeze, on off mist

The weird days continue to mount. I'll be happy when I'm on a routine again. Slept in...sort of...then did some computer work before meeting Callie at her PT appoitnment. She's seeing Kent Keyser, who's one of the BEST, smartest PTs on Earth. Serz. I wanted some outside help, so he and Beth (a friend-fellow PT class friend of mine) co-treated her...with ME helping! It was pretty cool having THREE (pretty damn good) PTs looking at her. She's got a bunch of back and pelvis things going on, but I directed Kent to her right foot, and he found a bunch of loose, weak shit there. Key find.

After that, I rode my bike (with mask on) to Axis. I thought I'd have plenty of time to bike back in time for yoga, but paperwork went long and I left with 15 minutes before yoga...and nearly 5 miles away! I HAULED ASS to yoga, and got there, only about a minute late.

PM: shared a beer at T&G, then ate salad, then walked downtown intending to go to one restaurant, only to find it closed. Walked around aimlessly looking for a good place ("The EUG conunudrum"), then wound up going to Sixth St to eat a shitty burger. -_-

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles