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May 2, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, humid

Draper day two. I felt so legit running at a two-day meet. I had gone home, iced my hamstrings and calves twice, rehydrated and mentally prepared myself for the 4x800m. My mindset was 1) Yes, it's my second race, but it's only two laps; 2) I've had time to recover and I'm running at Draper, so there's no reason I can't PR. I raced at 1pm with Erkin, Silas and Kravitz, anchoring after a last-minute switch from second leg. Warming up, I just didn't feel the 3200m at all--it was a miracle. Kravitz handed it to me in fourth, far behind PVI, Wilson and someone else I immediately passed. Few times have I felt so fast; 200m into it, William told me to relax my shoulders, which helped. I didn't hear a split, but coming into the second lap, I had a sneaking suspicion things were going well. On the back straightaway, with Wilson in sight, Anthony yelled, "Smell it, Liam! Second place!" With 150m to go, I got nice and upright, but did not reach the Wilson anchor. Somebody else in blue also converged on us, leaving me slightly boxed in. Tristan said I should have swung wide and caught both of them, but apparently the guy in blue was finishing in 2:00. 61, 63. Noah and I got lost during the cooldown, so it ended up taking 30 minutes. Oh and we also won the meet again and the girls took second! So many PRs and strong performances in every single event. "The Draper Magic" works.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.5 Miles 42:39
800.0 Meters 2:04 4:09 / Mile Race  
5.0 Miles 40:35 8:07 / Mile Recovery