May 21, 2015 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Other
Well we kinda knew what to expect going into this one... Shortfuse is really good, top of the league. We just went out there and played around with the line up and tried to make good plays. Honestly we did just that. Bats were quiet but we had a few good fielding innings. I dropped a bunch of tough balls in the outfield which I was kinda disappointed about, but I havnt fielded much got to get used to it again. I also got a flyball out, my first out of the season (no more batting 100...) Besides the confusions with the books, which upset me, good game I did better at staying relaxed, having fun and playing hard. We had a small squad so everyone got to play and we got into a good rhythm. The league is so stratified that we get crushed by the good teams but always have a chance against the teams near the bottom. Just got to get our jerseys in and then its go time.
Entropic Thunder - 1
Shortfuse - 22