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UW-La Crosse Eagle Open 5,000m

May 8, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

75-72-72 (4:56-9:57-15:34(5000))

Dropped off of Conner and one other guy after a couple laps cuz I knew I didn't want to be pushing the red line, then hit halfway in 7:43-7:46ish, then I picked it up and went after the leaders. Caught them, and put a gap on em. 1Kto go, I knew there was a guy coming up on me, so I eased off some, and he caught me at 450 to go ( I ran a couple 76-77s). We went from 400 out pretty quick, and he hit 200 just ahead, we went wide to lap somebody. I stayed wide and with 120 left I accelerated and blew past him, running 15:34-hi to his 15:39, and winning my last collegiate race. 66 or so last lap.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.31 Miles 45:49
2.9 Miles 20:00 6:53 / Mile Warmup  
3.13 Miles 15:34 4:58 / Mile Race Nike Zoom Streak 5
1.28 Miles 10:15 8:00 / Mile Cooldown